Contact & Help

Contact and Help

Having trouble finding the information or services you need on Please review these resources:


Use the search feature in the upper-right corner of every page. Type in a word or phrase that describes your topic and a list of relevant results will be provided.

Reach an Agency

The agency directory contains a list of state agencies, boards, and commissions with direct links to their websites.

If you received a charge on your financial statement from an Idaho agency, please contact them directly if you have questions. These charges can include vehicle registration, driver’s license renewals, professional license renewals, unemployment insurance, and taxes.

Reach an Elected Official

Elected officials, congressional delegation, legislators, and the judicial branch can be found with links to their sites here.

Other Contact Information

To provide feedback on the website, report a problem, or ask a question, please use the form below.

Please note: The website is maintained by the Office of Information Technology Services. We are unable to assist with issues that do not relate to the website. If your issue is with a State of Idaho agency or website, please contact that agency directly using the agency directory.